Contact us 02920 799 133
These resources have been created to help you with your wider personal development needs, beyond purely academic, technical, and vocational knowledge and skills.
Use this calendar to help develop your awareness of some of the many EDI, ESDGC, Health & Well-being, and Safeguarding events held throughout 2024
Use these resources to help develop your knowledge and use of Information Computer Technology (ICT).
A quick guide and video on how to join an MS Teams Meeting
A quick guide and video on how to enhance and customise your meeting experience in MS Teams
A quick guide and video on how to present in an MS Teams meeting using PowerPoint
A quick guide and video to turn any team conversation into a meeting with a few clicks
A quick guide and video to help view, schedule, and manage appointments in MS Teams
The Essential Digital Skills Framework has been designed to ensure you develop five categories of essential digital skills for life and work. These are communicating, handling information and content, transacting, problem solving, and being safe and legal online.
The course below from Learn My Way covers all the areas of the framework. Depending on your needs either explore the entire course or focus on the individual category links which are referenced to the framework.
Learn My Way | Develop Your Digital Skills
If you would like to view the individual lessons in ‘bite-sized content’, you can view and/or copy the individual lessons on the links below:
Lesson 2 - Starting to use the internet
Lesson 4 - Safety and security online
Lesson 6 - Spending money online
Lesson 7 - Online entertainment
Lesson 8 - Working with Office programmes
Lesson 9 - Employment and work
Use these resources to help develop your awareness of Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship (ESDGC).
Understanding Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship (ESDGC)
Understanding if it is more sustainable to recycle old computers or give them away
Understanding what the most sustainable is, salmon, prawns or some other fish or protein food
Understanding if beer from aluminium cans is more sustainable than beer from bottles
Use these resources to help develop your understanding of Safeguarding, including how to stay safe online and how to live free from abuse, harm and neglect.
A quick video guide with useful tips on how to stay safe online
A quick guide to help you understand Safeguarding
A quick guide to help you understand Online Safety
A quick guide to help you understand Cyber Bullying
A quick guide to help you understand Honour Crimes
A quick guide to help you understand Domestic Abuse
A quick guide to help you understand Female Genital Mutilation
A quick guide to help you understand Child Trafficking
A quick guide to help you understand Youth Violence and Gang Crime
Use these resources to help develop your understanding of the fundamental British values of democracy, individual liberty, the rule of the law and mutual respect and tolerance.
Use these resources to help develop your understanding of how people can thrive together, understanding that difference is a positive, not a negative, and that individual characteristics make people unique.
A quick guide on what being confident with difference means
A quick guide on sexual orientation and gender identity
A quick guide on engaging with your community
A quick guide on getting to know individuals
Equality and human rights - good practice resource
Use these resources to help develop your character, positive personal traits, dispositions, and virtues to motivate your conduct so you reflect wisely, learn eagerly, behave with integrity, and co-operate well with other people.
A quick guide for helping you develop good study skills
A quick guide for helping you develop good study skills
A quick guide for helping you develop good study skills
A quick guide to help you develop more self-confidence
A quick guide for setting and achieving your goals
A quick guide to understanding how to motivate yourself
A quick guide to help you improve your time management by using a to-do list
A quick guide to help you improve your time management by using activity logs
A quick guide to help you improve your listening skills through Active Listening
A quick guide to help you build and maintain good working relationships
Use these resources to help develop your confidence, resilience, and knowledge so you can keep yourself mentally healthy and develop the skills to maintain a good work/life balance.
A quick video guide outlining five steps we can all take to improve our mental health and well-being
A quick guide to help improve mental health and well-being
A quick guide to help develop more self-confidence
A quick guide in setting and achieving your goals
A quick guide to understanding how to motivate yourself
A quick guide to help you improve your time management by using a to-do list
A quick guide to help you improve your time management by using activity logs
A quick guide to building healthy working relationships
A quick guide to help you relate well to others and achieve goals using Emotional Intelligence
A quick guide to help identify and overcome negative emotions at work
A quick guide to help you take the positive from negative feedback at work
Use these resources to help develop your understanding of the importance of health and well-being and how to keep physically healthy and maintain an active lifestyle.
How being physically active can help you lead a healthier and happier life
How to build strength, improve balance, and minimise sedentary activity
A daily habit to improve mental health, personal fitness, and maintain a healthy weight
How to improve your fitness, sleep patterns, and mood during pregnancy
How to help prevent depression, improve muscle tone, and control your weight
Use these resources to develop an understanding of healthy relationships through appropriate relationship and sex education advice and guidance.
A quick guide to providing an overview of contraception and the pros and cons of each method
A quick guide to abortion, with information about abortion and unplanned pregnancy choices in the UK
Use these resources to help develop your wider experience of Health and Social Care and the options available to you.
Careers in Health and Social Care is a website developed by t2 group that is aimed at providing impartial careers advice and guidance in the Health and Social Care sector - Careers in Health and Social Care
A quick guide for registered managers on how to safeguard adults in care homes
A quick guide for registered managers of care homes
A quick guide for registered managers of care homes
A quick guide for social care workers
A quick guide for registered managers of care homes
A quick guide for young people and their families
A quick guide for managers of health services for young people
A quick guide for social workers
A quick guide for social workers
A quick guide for mental health practitioners supporting young people
A quick guide for practitioners supporting people growing older with learning disabilities
A quick guide for registered managers of care homes to prevent pressure ulcers
A quick guide for people with dementia and their family and carers following diagnosis
A quick guide for staff delivering intermediate care services to help promote independence
A quick guide for managers and care homes on preventing infection
A quick guide for home care managers providing medicines support
A quick guide for care home managers to help improve oral health in adults who live in care homes
If you have any questions or require any help please don't hesitate to get in touch with us at t2 group. Simply complete the following form and we will be in touch with you shortly.
t2 group
Head Office - Fern House, Unit 1 Links Court,
Fortran Road, St.Mellons,
Cardiff CF3 0LT
02920 799 133